Research & Resources
North America

Glacier Circle - Davis, CA | Photo by Anne P. Glass

Glacier Circle - Davis, CA | Photo by Anne P. Glass


Contact us for a reprint of any article by Dr. Glass.

Glass, A. P. & Norris, H. (2022). Finding community in elder cohousing: Before and during COVID-19. Journal of Aging and the Environment. , DOI: 10.1080/26892618.2022.2103869.

Glass, A. P. & Lawlor, L. (2020). Aging better together, intentionally. Generations Journal, online.

Glass, A. P. (2020). Sense of community, loneliness, and satisfaction in five elder cohousing neighborhoods. Journal of Women & Aging, 32(1), 3-27. DOI: 10.1080/08952841.2019.1681888.

Puplampu, V. (2020). Forming and living in a seniors’ cohousing: the impact on older adults’ health aging in place. Journal of Aging and Environment, 34(3), 252-269.

Puplampu, et al. (2020). The impact of cohousing on older adults' quality of life. Canadian Journal on Aging / La Revue canadienne du viellissement, Volume 38, Issue 3, September 2020, pp. 406 - 420.

Weeks, L. E., Bigonnesse, C., McInnis-Perry, G., & Dupuis-Blanchard, S. (2019). Barriers faced in the establishment of cohousing communities for older adults in Eastern Canada. Journal of Housing for the Elderly, 34(1), 70-85.

Baldwin, C., Dendle, K., & McKinlay, A. (2019). Initiating senior co-housing: People, place, and long-term security. Journal of Housing for the Elderly, 33(4), 358-381.

Glass, A. P. (2016). Resident-managed elder intentional neighborhoods: Do they promote social resources for older adults? Journal of Gerontological Social Work, 59(7-8), 554-571. DOI: 10.1080/01634372.2016.1246501.

Labus, A. (2016). Senior cohousing in cross-cutting research. Architecture Civil Engineering Environment, 4, 21-31.

Kang, M., Lyon, M., & Kramp, J. (2015). Senior cohousing residential design feature for perceived autonomy. Journal of Social Sciences and Humanities, 1(3), 258-265.

Kang, M., Lyon, M., & Kramp, J. (2015). Older adults’ motivations and expectations toward senior cohousing in a rural community. Housing and Society, 39, 187-202.

Glass, A. P. (2014, Feb. 6) Elder cohousing: The epitome of aging in community. American Society on Aging AgeBlog.

Glass, A. P. (2013). Lessons learned from a new elder cohousing community. Journal of Housing for the Elderly, 27(4), 348-368. doi:10.1080/02763893.2013.813426.

Glass, A. P. & Skinner, J. (2013). Retirement communities: We know what they are…or do we? Journal of Housing for the Elderly, 27, 61-88.  doi:10.1080/02763893.2012.754815.

Glass, A. P., & Vander Plaats, R. S. (2013). A conceptual model for aging better together intentionallyJournal of Aging Studies, 27(4), 428-442. doi:10.1016/j.jaging.2013.10.001.

Glass, A. P. (2012). Elder cohousing in the United States: Three case studies. Built Environment, 38(3), 345-363

Glass, A. P. (2009). Aging in a community of mutual support: The emergence of an elder intentional cohousing community in the United StatesJournal of Housing for the Elderly, 23, 283-303. 

Vierck, B. (September - October 2005). Cohousing comes of age. Aging Today.


Rojo-Pérez, F., Sánchez-González, D., Rodríguez-Rodríguez, V., Fernández-Mayoralas, G. (2022). Development and Management of Cohousing Initiatives for a Friendly Ageing in Spain. In: Pozo Menéndez, E., Higueras García, E. (eds) Urban Design and Planning for Age-Friendly Environments Across Europe: North and South. Future City, vol 19. Springer, Cham.

Gomez, D. L., Canal, M. E., & Montala, L.F. (2020). Havens and heavens of ageing-in-Community: Home, care and age in senior co-housing. In Ways of Home Making in Care for Later Life.

Cummings, S. & Kropf, N. P. (2020). Senior cohousing: A new way forward for active older adults. Switzerland: Springer. (82 pages).

Glass, A. P. (2013). Aging better together. In J. M. Blanchard & B. Anthony (Eds.), Aging in Community (pp. 203-210). Asheville, NC: Second Journey Publications.

Durrett, C. (2009). The Senior Cohousing Handbook: A Community Approach to Independent Living (2nd Edition). British Columbia, Canada: New Society Publishers. Includes Glass, A. P. Why Aging in Community? (pp. 255-272).

Fact Sheets

Wardrip, K. (2010). Cohousing for older adultsAARP Public Policy Institute. 

Research & Resources


Arrigoitia, MF, and West, K. (2021). Interdependence, commitment, learning and love: the case of the United Kingdom's first older women's co-housing community. Ageing & Society, Volume 41, Issue 7, July 2021, pp. 1673 - 1696.

Fact Sheet About Cohousing Communities of Older People

Older Women’s Co-Housing

Scanlon, K., & Arrigoitia, M. F. (2015). Development of new cohousing: Lessons from a London scheme for the over-50s. Journal of Urban Research & Practice, 8(1),

Brenton, M. (2008). The cohousing approach to ‘Lifetime Neighborhoods.”  London, UK: Housing Learning & Improvement Network.

Brenton, M. (2013). Senior cohousing communities – an alternative approach for the UK? London, UK: Joseph Rowntree Foundation.


Monton, P., Reyes, L., & Alcover, C. (2022). Personal characteristics for successful senior cohousing: A proposed theoretical model. International Journal of Environmental Health and Public Health, 19(4).

Labit, A. (2015). Self-managed co-housing in the context of an ageing population in Europe. Journal of Urban Research & Practice, 8(1),

Jolanki, O., & Vilkko, A. (2015). The meaning of a “sense of community” in a Finnish senior co-housing community. Journal of Housing for the Elderly, 29:1-2, 111-125. DOI:10.1080/02763893.2015.989767.

Pedersen, M. (2015). Senior co-housing communities in Denmark. Journal of Housing for the Elderly, 29(1-2), 111-125.

Blom, I., & Kärnekull, K. (2013). Bygga seniorboende tillsammans – en handbookSweden: AB Svensk.

Choi, J. S. (2013). Why do people move to cohousing communities in Sweden? - Are there any significant differences between the +40 cohousing and the mixed-age cohousingArchitectural Research, 15, 77-86. 

Schmidt, L., Holm, A., Kvinge, T., & Nørve, S. (2013). BOLIG+ Nye boligløsninger for eldre og folk flest. Oslo, Norway: NIBR.

Choi, J. S., & Paulsson, J. (2011). Evaluation of common activity and life in Swedish cohousing unitsInternational Journal of Human Ecology, 12(2), 133-146.

Bakker, P. (2009). Co-housing in the Netherlands.

Bamford, G. (2005). Cohousing for older people: Housing innovation in the Netherlands and Denmark. Australasian Journal on Ageing, 24.

Choi, J. S. (2004). Evaluation of community planning and life of senior cohousing projects in Northern European CountriesEuropean Planning Studies, 12, 1189-1216.

Resources guides (CANADA)

Critchlow, M., Moore, A., Downing, R., et al. (2016) Senior Cohousing How-To Guide. Canadian Senior Cohousing Society, Canada.

Critchlow, M., Moore, A., Downing, R., et al. (2016). Innovating Seniors Housing. Canadian Senior Cohousing Society. Canada.

Critchlow, M., Moore, A., Downing, R., et al. (2016). Innovations in Senior Housing: The Complete Guide to Cohousing. Canadian Senior Cohousing Society. Canada.

Schramm, K. (2013). A housing need and demand analysis: Senior cohousingFor Sooke, BC.